Asthma Relief Image

Marian Shepherd Slee

Asthma Relief

The magic formula

The fight against asthma requires a three pronged attack: Vitamins A,C & E. Marian’s theory:

Asthma is a vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A must always be taken with vitamin E (to protect the A) and some vitamin C is usually required as well.

Asthma Treatment in Australia

Are you tired of struggling with asthma symptoms? Looking for a solution that provides long-term control and reduces the risk of asthma attacks?

Take advantage of the significant breakthroughs in asthma treatment in Australia. My well-researched and innovative approaches have helped thousands of Australians manage their asthma symptoms more effectively.

Introducing my advanced asthma treatment in Australia, designed to bring you fast symptom relief and improved lung function. My general treatment plans combine the power of natural remedies and essential vitamins A, C, and E to provide you with effective and holistic care.

Take Control of your Asthma Today!

Don’t let asthma hold you back any longer. Experience the relief, control, and improved quality of life that my advanced treatment offers. Take the first step towards better respiratory health by clicking the button below to Buy Now.

Say goodbye to asthma symptoms and embrace a life full of possibilities. Your journey to optimal respiratory health starts here!

Asthma Relief

The magic formula

The fight against asthma requires a three pronged attack: Vitamins A,C & E. Marian’s theory:

Asthma is a vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A must always be taken with vitamin E (to protect the A) and some vitamin C is usually required as well.

Asthma Relief Image

Marian Shepherd Slee

About The Author

Asthma Relief – The Easy Vitamin Way

This is the new and expanded edition of the asthma book that went to number five on bestseller lists a decade ago. Marian Shepherd Slee is the Queensland mother of six who was severely restricted by asthma and went on to find her own cure. A natural, drug-free way to relieve asthma that has now worked over the years for many others, including children and the elderly.

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Asthma Relief Vitamin Way

Also Available On Kindle And Nook

Fact Sheets

Vitamin A

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is only present in animal products, such as cod and halibut liver oils, eggs, butter, liver etc.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin present in almost all plant and animals. Humans (and other high primates), cannot produce their own body…

Vitamin E

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin that has anti-oxidant properties- it helps protect fatty cell membranes from becoming oxidized from free radicals.

Sucess Stories Image

Success Stories

Case Study 1: Brad Westfall

Date: February 3, 2010


I am a fit forty year old who developed heart issues last year and worked out it was my asthma medication so I have been actively looking for alternatives.

My partner found an old copy of your book when she was at our local shop. I read it with some doubt but took it on anyway.


One month later I haven't needed ANY medication and have been able do very intense exercise sessions in heat and/or rain etc with perfect lung function.

My heart feels great as it isn't full of asthma medication.

My IBS seems to be 50 to 75% better to boot.

Thanks for your wisdom!!

Life is good.

Brad Westfall

Case Study 2: Helen Bignell

Date: March 4, 2010

My name is Helen. I have a three year old son, Thomas, who last autumn/winter spent quite a few months coughing so hard he would throw up, getting colds which were followed by breathing difficulties. He was diagnosed with asthma last July and he was prescribed ventolin. He would get a cold every two months which would end with a bout of asthma and I would give him ventolin and predmix. I tried to eliminate preservatives, additives, etc out of his diet. I really didn't see any difference at all.

This autumn the cycle started again, only worse. Every morning he sneezes and gets sniffles. A few days of this was enough to set off asthma. He was constantly pale and ate very little.

Two months ago his doctor totally contradicted his treatment and I walked out of his office feeling very confused and unsure of how to treat my son. I started to go down the path of finding a natural treatment. By accident I stumbled across your book in my local chiropractor's office and borrowed it.

At this stage my son had a chest infection and was on antibiotics and my local chemist had suggested I give him probiotics. I also started him on a kids multivitamins which had 2500 iu of vitamin A. Plus I give him some vitamin C. Within days I started noticing a difference.

It has now been four weeks (early days yet I know), but Thomas is a totally different child. He is no longer pale, he barely coughs. He has had sniffles, caught a cold which has led to nothing else and he has almost gained one kg in weight. I cannot believe how something so simple has helped Thomas so much.

Thankyou so much.

Yours sincerely,

Helen Bignell

Case Study 3: Michelle Parker

Date: May 21, 2010

Hi Marian,

I am so glad to have found you!

I have a 2 year old son, Jimmy, who is a miracle child. I was told at the age of 19 that I could not have children. I spent years and thousands of dollars on IVF to be told that unless I looked at egg donation, my quest for a family was over. 6 years later at the age of 40 I fell pregnant. He truly is a miracle boy. He is a caring, intelligent and extremely active child.

The week before Easter he woke with laboured breathing and a cough. The GP diagnosed croup which was endemic in Darwin at the time. Over the 7 weeks following he has been back and forth to the GP, in an ambulance one night, unable to breathe properly and we have all suffered from lack of sleep and great worry.

He is now on Ventolin up to 8 times a day, a preventer and redipred for those awful times. It gets better with all of these drugs over a few days, but a week later it flares up again with the next runny nose, I am at my wit's end.

He was a healthy child up until this point. He eats nothing but home cooked meals, drinks only water and soy formula that I can't get him off, and has never had preservatives, lollies, junkfood etc. Never had antibiotics, medicines, never thrown up - always a picture of health.

One of the playgroups we attend (I'm a stay at home Mum) had no children suffering from asthma. In the last month there are 4 of us who are going through the same thing with our 2 and 3 year olds.

I borrowed every book in Darwin on the subject from the library and read yours the other day. I wept and wept after reading it. The chance to offer my son a possible alternative was everything to me.

This morning I purchased the vitamins.

Thank you Marian for making such a difference to our confusion and desperation.

Kind regards,

Michelle Parker

Case Study 4: Michelle Parker

Date: July 1, 2006

Dear Marian,

Wonderful to hear from you...

Now. For the big news that I have wanted to tell you for some time now. You are a miracle worker! I started Jimmy on the A, E and C each day in the latter part of May. He had been unwell for so long. Within a week he was back to his normal self and has not had one sick day with viruses or 'asthma' or anything else ever since. I have spread the message to anyone and everyone within earshot and ordered a few of your books to give to friends.

The absolute confirming proof happened recently. I had been working lunchtimes at the office for about a week 3 weeks ago and had left the preparation of his bottle and vitamins with his Dad. Dad forgot the vitamins and I assumed it was being done. Within 2 weeks his cough was back and the rattle in his chest. Back on his vitamin regime and now he's a picture of health again. I now have full confidence in the Vitamin A deficiency theory and have espoused to everyone that as babies are born with low levels of A, and then our lifestyles mean more and more viruses, they are then stripped of vitamin A. Jimmy is living proof.

I think about you often Marian - in fact every time I add his vitamins to his drink - and I say thank you to you each and every time.

From the bottom of my heart - thank you for giving good health back to my Jimmy.

Kind regards,

Michelle Parker

Case Study 7: Janet S. ..., Bribie Island.

Date: August 17, 2018

Email from Janet S. 17/8/2018

Hi Marian, I phoned you at Mt. Gravatt several years ago to tell you that my then husband had been able to come off all his asthma medication, thanks to your book.

I have since remarried.

We lost a friend two years ago from emphysema and my second husband has been diagnosed with it but only mildly so far.

I got to thinking – asthma lungs, emphysema lungs, I wonder?

I googled vitamin A for emphysema and there it all was. They were having success with a drug form of vitamin A and it was repairing the lungs in mice. I recently googled vitamin A cure for asthma, and there it was again. A cure, (but don’t take vitamin A, it is too dangerous !!)

I will be starting my husband on the vitamin A capsules when he needs them.

You might have to write another book.

Janet S. ..., Bribie Island.

Case Study 8: Alana H.

Date: November 21, 2017

Dear Marian, I read your first book over twenty years ago. As a mother I was desperate, but as a registered nurse, I was sceptical. Desperation won! I worked out how much to administer to my children and gave them vitamins A and E during March to October each year. (Resting their livers during summer.) It was miraculous!!

My oldest had the worst asthma . It was discovered she had hypersecretary asthma. 2% of asthmatics have this. Her lungs produce excessive mucous. Although she didn’t suffer acute asthma attacks, she continued to develop serious pneumonias. Two paediatricians gave me separate advice. One said to get a trampoline and ensure she jumped each day. This moved the mucous. The other said to drink plenty of water to decrease mucous viscosity. The result was only one more pneumonia, whereas in the previous three years, she had over 13 episodes of pneumonia.

She is now 27 and well. I’ve shared my story and your book with many patients over the years

Thank you so much for your insightful book and its help. The testimony of the 84 year old is what convinced me. I am so extremely grateful. You are an angel.

Alana H.

Case Study 9: Lisa.

Date: April 23, 2012

Email from Lisa 23/04/2012

Just wanted to pop by and say hi.

I emailed you a couple of years ago. You may not remember me. We had been through bad health and I developed asthma after being in a mouldy house and I emailed asking about vitamin A.

I have been going well. After 6 months intensive vitamin A dosages I didn’t take any vitamin A for well over a year with no asthma. Started getting a little wheezy recently so now again on a maintenance dose. Many of my friends have borrowed your book and having success with it too. Thanks for writing it. I am 35 years old and I always considered myself a healthy fit person until recent years.

This has prompted my memory of when we lived in Melbourne. A neighbour had a teenage daughter who was rushed to hospital monthly nearly dead from asthma. Just before leaving Melbourne, her mum told me her daughter was totally cured and off all medication due to reading your book.

Hope you are well.



Dramatic Fall in Rates of Childhood Asthma

Stunning reductions have just been reported in the incidence of asthma in children. In the latest Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report,’A Picture of Australia’s Children 2012′, the new rate of asthma in children aged 0-15 has been listed as 9.9%. This figure was measured in 2007/8.

This is a phenomenal improvement. Anyone who has followed asthma statistics over the past thirty years as I have, would recall this asthma rate was never below 20% during the 1980’s and 1990’s. And in Queensland it was 25% consistently. So 9.9% is truly amazing. What we have here, is a halving of the incidence of asthma in children in ten years.